PD Software Reviews

First a Quick update on one of last Issues featured Games

 "Lord of Alcandria"

 by Federico Rutenberg


Several  readers  requested a copy of Federico's Excellent  Adventure  game, Which was also featured on the cover CDs of the AMIGA FORMAT@5 and AMIGACTIVE.
  We have kept in touch with Federico to bring you news of his latest games.

"Lord of Alcandria Chapter III"

Federico  hopes to  have the finished follow up "Chapter III@1" available  in about a Month, He has added lots more features:

More Rooms (About 18 in Total)
 More Characters, Objects and Puzzles
 More Atmospheric Music
 More Fun Time.

The  Spannish version will be completed first,  Then translated  to  English with the help of an English Teacher, To ensure better Translation.  I for one cannot wait!


Federico is also working on a different style of game La Party,  It will  be AGA  only,   Written completely in Blitz Basic and  will  support  up  to  3 players.

Although Details are limited at present, Federico has said that we will be kept updated, and recieve more information when Available,
Although he hopes to Release "La Party" as his first Shareware Title

Watch this space for more details


The Turtleminator

Not  complete but its as complete as its ever likely to be.  Its quite  good fun and theres a fair few levels in their right now.

Minimum Specifications

As far as I know, you need 1 Meg Chip RAM and 1 Meg Fast RAM.


Left Mouse Button = Walk
Right Mouse Button = Shoot
Middle Mouse Button = Throw Grenade (I think! I don't have one!)
Both Mouse Buttons = Throw Grenade
Space = Activate Item
F1-F4 = Select Special Item


Turning your back from bullets will cause them to rebound off your shell.
Shell makes you indestructable while holding space.
   Jet allows you to fly.
Land Mines and Dynamite are obvious. Dynamite allows you to blow up certain blocks.


TurtleMinator Review


A Curious little game in the style of the Famous Classic "Cannon Fodder" However instead of Soldiers you control a Turtle?

The Story

In  day  gone  by,   Humans  have left the Earth  and  live  high  above  in Spacecrafts,   However they have created Robots  in  the  Guise  of  several Animals to try to take Back over Planet Earth, Your--- Mission To Stop them!

The Intro

A nice little intro to the Game which explains in details the Story of the Game, The Graphic shots are somewhat Cartoony But of a reasonable Quality, Better than some you find in PD games.
The Game
A nice little Animation of a Hot Air Balloon Delivering you to your Mission site! I click of the Mouse and into the Action!

You are then given your Mission Brief :

 Collect 3 Eggs and Kill 13 Enemy
Save 5 Kiwi Fruit and reach the Exit!

Game Play

A top down view showing the landscape and your Turtleminator, Reasonably well Drawn and the scenery is Varied Including Land/ Water/ Iceflows etc. The game itself is Fast and Frantic, The Turtleminator and the Enemies move at an amazing speed, Including Penguins/ Snakes etc. The first couple of levels are just to easy! This is not a complaint! As it draws you into the Game looking for more of a Challenge! Once you have completed a couple of missions you are presented with a Code, So you don't have to keep going over old ground should you Die!

Music & Sound Effects

Very nice indeed! The music is just about right for this type of game, And the sound effects are good and not over the top.


Overall Impressions

Once you have played this a couple of times and get used to the frantic pace the game runs at,  It really becomes very enjoyable! It reminded me a lot of that  game  where you shoot all the "Tellytubbies" But a lot more  involved, You have to get keys to open doors or find Dynamite to blow up obstructions!


In fact now that I have gotten used to this game its a whole lot of fun!


                 Freely Downloadable from the Aminet Archives
                 Any readers who do not have Internet connection can get a free copy of the game from the Ripper (Contact Ian C Fyvie for details)


Overall Rating 7½/10
Author  :  alastair.murray@ukgateway.net